2016 End of year update

Hi All

Just to update on a few things for the end of the year.It has all started to move quite quickly at the end of the year, especially with James helping to drive things forwards.

We have been given the go ahead to get members storage boxes. These are available to purchase for £5 each. Please use the ones provided which are the “Samla” 45L range from IKEA – this means they will be the same and stack properly. In the new year, we will be using the storage room to keep them in on a purpose built rack. These must be labelled with your name and contact details. We now have a Zebra thermal label printer on the wifi network for this (and other labelling). The 3 week shelves will also go in there in some crates so it will remove the mess from general view and hopefully as in crates it will allow the “don’t plug it it in, tear it apart” rule for this kit.

We have also been given permission to throw a coat of paint over the walls to brighten things up. We can go with white. Perhaps paint the joiner bars in black as that will give a good contrast and break the walls up a bit – better than the 70’s brown and beige we have now.

We have also been given the go-ahead in the new year to have the lighting change upstairs to LED strips which will improve things enormously.

For new members, you are reminded that things like pillar drills, band saw, table saw, chop saw must not be used until you have been accredited. Please contact Paul or myself. I am looking to arrange an accreditation session in the new year to get you accredited where necessary for the 3 most useful bits of kit. Portable/handheld kit does not require accreditation, however, you are reminded to use the personal protective equipment at all times – this is for your own safety.

We also now have a new set of matching desks that have started to be put out. Please clean up after yourself! There is also now a ledger by the fizzy sugar drinks trolley for the monthly £5 donation and other incomes and expenditure.

I’m now signing off for the year –  see you in 2017.

(reposted by James from the mailing list). Here’s some extra info by me:

Thanks for the update Michael. All really positive stuff 😀

Here’s a link to the 45L IKEA boxes:
(and lids: http://www.ikea.com/gb/en/products/small-storage-organisers/storage-boxes-baskets/samla-lid-for-box-45-65-l-transparent-art-70110302/).
We have 5 left that can be bought at the space if you can’t get to
IKEA. We can buy more as needed as IKEA isn’t too far away.

Michael’s done some great work spec’ing out the shelving:

I’ll also mention the Slack group we’re testing at the moment. Come
join us: https://mkmakerspace.slack.com/shared_invite/MTE4ODI3OTg2Nzg2LTE0ODIxODkxNzctMTFmMzBjMDllZQ

Have a good break everyone!